As you prepare your student for high school graduation this Spring, you’re probably making a list of all the things to buy for college this Fall. Sure; you want to save money…but sometimes you have to spend a little to save a lot. That’s where NSSI comes in with student property insurance.
Now, just imagine if you had to replace all of those new college purchases out of your own pocket… not just the “Big Ticket Items” like...
Desktops & Laptops
Tablets & Smartphones
Music & Sports Equipment
TVs & Gaming Consoles
...but all of the miscellaneous personal property you packed in those bags, boxes, and suitcases like:
Cameras & Mp3 Players
Clothing & Jewelry
Classroom Materials
It’s the little things that add up to the bulk of a loss. But don’t let them overwhelm you. Why not pay little now so you don’t have to pay a lot in the future? Get a quote on College Student Personal Property Insurance now!