Your college years present a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for a solid financial future. One tool that can help you develop good financial habits is a student credit card. By choosing the right student credit card and using it responsibly, you can start building a positive credit history, gain valuable financial skills, and enjoy various perks and rewards.
If you plan to study abroad, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime! Studying abroad is an incredible experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and give you memories that will stay with you forever. But before you jump on that plane and head out, there are a few things you need to know to prepare yourself and make the most of your stay in a foreign country.
Portable Bluetooth speakers are a must-have gadget for any college student who loves listening to music. If you're on a budget and looking for an affordable yet well-performing portable Bluetooth speaker, we're here to help you find the right one for your dorm room.
The Ivy League is a term that is often associated with academic excellence, success, and prestige. But what exactly are these schools, and what makes them so unique? What are the admissions requirements, and how can you increase your chances of acceptance? What is the easiest or the most difficult Ivy League school to get into? In this blog post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions.
Whether you’re living on campus or studying abroad, NSSI has you covered! From spilling coffee all over your laptop to dropping your smart phone in the parking lot, you’re covered wherever you go.
Did you know that NSSI covers more than just electronics? We cover everything from clothes to textbooks, even jewelry. So whether you accidentally flushed your great- grandmother’s ring or your roommate ran over that expensive business textbook, we’ve got you covered.
Do accidents seem to follow you wherever you go? Don’t worry, we can help! At NSSI we offer unlimited claims on damages to your personal property. Whether it’s a shattered laptop or a flattened smartphone, we’ve got you covered.
Got a dog that lives to destroy furniture? With coverage from NSSI, you can protect your personal property and enjoy your furry friends too. Our plans includes coverage for accidental pet damage.