College Student on Winter BreakFor most college students, winter break is right around the corner! Having a few weeks off after finishing finals or mid-terms is relaxing and well-deserved. However, it can be easy to grow complacent during your few weeks of rest. As a result, you will come back from winter break a little sluggish and it will take you time to get back into the swing of things. The last thing you want is to jump back in and get off to a slow start!

Below we have highlighted some tips to remaining productive while you are enjoying your winter break!



While not everyone may be avid readers, reading can be a great way to stimulate your mind. Keeping your brain functioning at a similar rate to when you are in school can help you jump right back into the flow of normal school work. Taking a an hour or so each day during your break can prove itself beneficial, when it comes to getting back to your education.


Active SkiingStay Physically Active

No matter where you look or what article you read, physical activity and exercise is always a recommended practice for physical and mental stability. Making a concerted effort to get just 30-60 minutes of exercise this winter break can help keep you fresh and focused heading into your post-winter break.


SleepingKeep a Normal Sleep Schedule

When home from school you will, undoubtedly, have time to re-connect with some old friends, which can result in some late nights. While that might be tempting, maintaining a relatively normal sleep schedule during your winter break can help you jump right back into your normal body schedule during school.


College Student StudyingWork Ahead

For some students, winter break comes in the middle of a semester and for others, post-winter break is the beginning of all new classes! Regardless of which you side you fall on, it can be extremely helpful to begin looking ahead to what is coming next. You can look ahead a couple of chapters and try to become familiar with the content that you will be studying when you return to school.


Take advantage of these tips above and keep your motor running while you’re enjoying a little rest and relaxation. Most importantly, though, enjoy your winter break students with friends and family! Push through the last few weeks before winter break and best of luck on your finals/mid-terms!

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