Your first semester of college is an exciting time, but being in a new place with people you don’t know can be a little scary. That’s where Welcome Week comes in! Welcome Week is the perfect time to acquaint yourself with your new surroundings and make some new friends before the real craziness of college classes start. Here are a few ways to make the most out of Welcome Week:
Put Yourself Out There

Plan Ahead
A lot of schools usually send out an email before Welcome Week with a schedule of events and activities. These can include fun things such as cookouts, live music, shows, outings around the city and more. Make sure to take a look at it beforehand so you don’t miss out on anything that peaks your interest!Join a Club or Two

...But don't join too many!
It can be easy to join as many clubs as possible during Welcome Week when there are no exams and deadlines to worry about, but this will change once classes are in full swing. While clubs are great, just make sure you don’t join so many that you overwhelm yourself.Take Advantage of Free Stuff!

Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin
It’s great to take advantage of as much as possible during Welcome Week, but make sure you also schedule some time for yourself. Give yourself some time to go back to your dorm for a nap or grab a coffee by yourself at the local coffee shop. Once classes start you’ll appreciate that you scheduled in some time for a little bit of rest and relaxation.While you’re planning out your schedule for Welcome Week, make sure you have a plan to keep your personal possessions protected from theft and accidental damage. Whether it’s a dorm flood, fire or you drop your phone in a puddle, a comprehensive insurance plan from NSSI will keep you covered. Click here to get your free quote today!